Sports & Jesus

Sports Ministry

Kosovars are very passionate about sports. Kosovo is a young country and it is only in the year 2017 and 2018 that Kosovo was admitted to international sports institutions. Among sports, Football is the most popular among the Kosovars, followed by Basketball. Judo is also a beloved sport among the youth. Maybe this is due to the fact that Majlinda Kelmendi from Peja is the World Champion judoka.

Even the churches of Kosova prefer sport as a way of making friends. Most churches prefer Football, but there are also those who use indoor sports, such as Ping-Pong.

SU Kosovo has been involved with various churches by standing by them and providing all the support that we could.

Easter Tournament

Easter Monday is a holiday in Kosova for all institutions of the country. On Easter Monday, all the young people are staying in their homes. Unlike countries with a Christian majority population where believers exchange family visits, in Kosova this is not always doable. Therefore, it was necessary to organize an event which brings together young people in a relaxing environment. Thus began the idea of ​​sports tournaments. Because during this time we remember the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, the motto of this Easter Football Tournament, “CELEBRATING THE RESURRECTION” became the theme of this big annual event.

Soon, these tournaments became famous not only in Kosova but also in Albania and the news spread also among other neighboring countries. About 150 young Christians and Muslims get together to play. Before the start of each match, all participants sit down and the message of the Resurrection is shared with them all. This is usually done by a special guest who honors the tournament by his presence.

This activity has united Christians and Muslims in the capital of Kosova in Pristina. At the end of the one-day Easter Tournament, first and second place are. During the past these years that Scritpure Union has organized this tournament, the cup winners have come from Malisheva, Gjakova but also from Tirana.

Christian Football League

The Christian Football League (LKF) is a voluntary organization in amateur football. It was founded in 2018 in Prishtina, in a gathering with Christian sports fans. In this event everyone shared the opinion that there should be a connection between the Easter Tournament and this League and that the Christian League should be founded.

After the founding of the LFK, the churches formed their own sports clubs and a draw was made for games between these teams. According to the annual plan, each football team plays 12 matches a year – once as a host and the other month as a guest. The team with the most points collected by the end of the year, will compete for the National Super Cup, with the champion of the Christian League of Albania.

The Kosova Christian League Steering Committee has adopted the FIFA Futsal Regulations. They also agreed that before the start of each match, the host will organize a 10 minute devotion for all players.

All persons involved at any level (player, manager, and coordinator) are responsible to live by the highest biblical standards and to ensure that the reputation of each match is high. Building and cultivating relationships between players and teams lies right in the heart of the Kosova Christian League.